Our List of Every Metal Slug Game Ranked from Worst to Best

Our List of Every Metal Slug Game Ranked from Worst to Best

Ah, Metal Slug—a name that conjures up nostalgic images of chaotic battles, quirky humor, and explosive action.

Since its inception, the Metal Slug series has captivated gamers with its unique blend of side-scrolling shooting and cartoonish yet detailed art style.

From its arcade roots to its ventures into the mobile and handheld realms, each game in the series offers something special.

Let’s dive into each one, reminiscing about the good times and acknowledging where some fall short. Here’s our definitive ranking, from the least memorable to the absolute best in the series:.

15Metal Slug Attack (2016)

Our List of Every Metal Slug Game Ranked from Worst to Best

When I first got my hands on “Metal Slug Attack,” I was curious to see how it expanded on the gameplay of its predecessor, “Metal Slug Defense.”

However, it seems to stray a bit too far from the classic Metal Slug formula for my liking. The tower-defense style is an interesting twist, but it loses some of the series’ essence in the transition.

Sure, the familiar characters and enemies are there, but it feels like a different beast altogether—one that doesn’t fully capture the frantic energy and charm of the originals.

14Metal Slug Defense (2014)

Our List of Every Metal Slug Game Ranked from Worst to Best

“Metal Slug Defense” takes a bold step in a new direction for the series with its tower defense mechanics.

As a fan of the original run-and-gun style, this is a bit jarring at first. The game has its moments, with the familiar art style and characters providing a sense of nostalgia.

But the core gameplay feels diluted, and I can’t help but miss the adrenaline-pumping action that defines the earlier titles.

It is a commendable effort, but not quite the Metal Slug experience I crave.

13Metal Slug Mobile (2004)

Our List of Every Metal Slug Game Ranked from Worst to Best

Taking Metal Slug to the mobile platform was a daring move back in 2004. “Metal Slug Mobile” has big boots to fill, and while it makes an admirable attempt, the limitations of early mobile gaming are evident.

The controls feel clunky, and the gameplay can’t match the fluidity of its arcade and console counterparts.

I appreciate the effort to bring Metal Slug on the go, but it is clear that the technology isn’t quite there yet to do the series justice.

12Metal Slug 1st Mission (1999)

Our List of Every Metal Slug Game Ranked from Worst to Best

The first foray into handheld gaming for Metal Slug, “1st Mission,” is a notable effort.

Playing this on my Neo Geo Pocket Color, I am impressed by how much of the Metal Slug spirit is captured in such a small package.

However, it is evident that this is just the series dipping its toes into handheld waters. The game is enjoyable, but it lacks the refinement and depth that later titles achieve.

11Metal Slug 2nd Mission (2000)

Our List of Every Metal Slug Game Ranked from Worst to Best

“Metal Slug 2nd Mission” improves upon its predecessor in many ways. The gameplay feels tighter, and there is a clear attempt to push the boundaries of what the Neo Geo Pocket Color can do.

Despite these improvements, the limitations of the platform are still a significant factor.

It is a commendable attempt and shows that Metal Slug can work in a handheld format, but it still leaves me yearning for the console experience.

10Metal Slug Advance (2004)

Our List of Every Metal Slug Game Ranked from Worst to Best

“Metal Slug Advance” is another attempt to bring the series to handhelds, this time on the Game Boy Advance.

The game does a decent job of translating the Metal Slug formula to a portable format.

But something is missing—perhaps it is the lack of multiplayer, or maybe the charm of the console releases is just hard to replicate on a smaller screen.

It is a solid effort, but not one that stands out in the grand scheme of the series.

9Metal Slug: Awakening (2023)

Our List of Every Metal Slug Game Ranked from Worst to Best

Now, this is a refreshing change! “Metal Slug: Awakening” brings the series to modern mobile platforms with a bang.

Developed by TiMi Studio and authorized by SNK, it takes bold steps by switching from pixel art to 3D graphics.

The traditional gameplay elements are there, but so are exciting new innovations like various game modes and enhanced controls for mobile platforms.

I am particularly fond of the interactive map features, which add a new layer to the gameplay. It is a fresh perspective that respects the series’ roots while looking forward.

8Metal Slug 7/XX (2008/2009)

Our List of Every Metal Slug Game Ranked from Worst to Best

“Metal Slug 7,” later re-released as “Metal Slug XX,” is a bit of a mixed bag for me.

It introduces some new elements, like additional characters and missions, but I feel it doesn’t push the series much further.

The gameplay is solid, but it lacks the innovation and freshness that earlier entries brought to the table. It is enjoyable, but not groundbreaking.

7Metal Slug 5 (2003)

Our List of Every Metal Slug Game Ranked from Worst to Best

“Metal Slug 5” brings some neat additions to the formula, like the new sliding mechanic and some truly interesting level designs.

I remember being excited by the new locations and enemies. However, the game feels a bit short compared to its predecessors.

It is a solid entry, but it doesn’t leave as lasting an impression as some of the others.

6Metal Slug 4 (2002)

Our List of Every Metal Slug Game Ranked from Worst to Best

While “Metal Slug 4” maintains the series’ high standards, it often feels like more of the same.

The familiar gameplay is there, and it is as enjoyable as ever, but there isn’t much in the way of innovation.

It feels like a safe entry in the series—not necessarily a bad thing, but not particularly exciting either.

5Metal Slug 6 (2006)

Our List of Every Metal Slug Game Ranked from Worst to Best

“Metal Slug 6” is a breath of fresh air. It brings new gameplay elements, like the weapon stock system, and new characters, adding much-needed variety.

Playing with different characters and their unique abilities adds a new strategic layer to the game.

It is a welcome evolution that keeps the core of what makes Metal Slug great while adding some new twists.

4Metal Slug 2 (1998)

Our List of Every Metal Slug Game Ranked from Worst to Best

“Metal Slug 2” builds on the success of the original with new weapons, vehicles, and environments.

The game is a blast, but it is hampered by notorious slowdown issues that sometimes affect the gameplay.

Despite this, the overall experience is thrilling, and the additions are well-received.

3Metal Slug (1996)

Our List of Every Metal Slug Game Ranked from Worst to Best

Yeah, “Metal Slug”—the original masterpiece that kickstarts an obsession. Released in 1996, it is a game changer in the arcade scene.

Oh man, the first time I dropped a coin into that arcade cabinet, the vibrant pixel art, the bombastic sound effects, and the instantly engaging gameplay had me hooked.

The game introduces us to now-iconic characters like Marco and Tarma, taking us on a wild ride filled with over-the-top enemies and humorously exaggerated military themes. Each level is a new adventure, with unique challenges and memorable boss fights.

The trademark humor of the series is evident from the get-go—absurd enemy animations, whimsical vehicle designs, and the delightful absurdity of the scenarios. It sets a high standard for what is to come and remains a beloved classic to this day.

2Metal Slug X (1999)

Our List of Every Metal Slug Game Ranked from Worst to Best

“Metal Slug X” is not just a game; it’s a testament to how sequels (or, in this case, an overhaul) should be done.

Building upon “Metal Slug 2,” this game tackles the original’s notorious slowdown issues and elevates the experience to new heights.

I’m still amazed at the smoother gameplay and the additional features that are seamlessly woven into the already fantastic framework of its predecessor.

New weapons and more diverse enemies give “Metal Slug X” a fresh feel while maintaining the core of what makes the series great.

The night missions, with their changed enemy placements and the clever use of environmental effects, are a delightful twist.

It feels like the developers have taken every little piece of feedback and used it to perfect the experience. “Metal Slug X” isn’t just a refined version of its predecessor; it is a love letter to fans, showing how much the creators value our experience.

1Metal Slug 3 (2000)

Our List of Every Metal Slug Game Ranked from Worst to Best

At the pinnacle of the series is “Metal Slug 3,” a title that, to many, is the epitome of what Metal Slug is all about. This game takes everything great about the previous entries and amplifies it. The level design is nothing short of genius, with diverse environments that constantly keep players on their toes.

From the depths of the ocean to the far reaches of space, “Metal Slug 3” is an exhilarating ride from start to finish. The branching paths add a significant replayability factor; each playthrough can be a different experience.

And let’s talk about the challenge! This game is tough, but in the most satisfying way. It demands precision and quick reflexes, rewarding players with an immense sense of achievement.

The variety of vehicles (or ‘Slugs’) is a highlight, each offering a unique way to tackle the game’s obstacles and enemies.

The giant crab mechs, the submarines, and the elephant with a vulcan cannon—these quirky additions are a joy to discover and use. “Metal Slug 3” isn’t just a game; it is an adventure, a beautifully chaotic journey that still stands as a high point in the series.

Conclusion: There you have it: our personal journey through the Metal Slug series. Each game has its place in the history of this iconic franchise, contributing in its own way to the legacy of one of the most beloved arcade shooters of all time. Whether you agree with our rankings or not, one thing is for sure: Metal Slug leaves an indelible mark on the hearts of gamers everywhere.